Friday, February 03, 2006

So I wrote a poem/song thing

The One Who Saves Me

By Adam Harris

Haven’t I been here before?

Haven’t I seen this place?

My heart lies on the floor,

The tears stream down my face.

My guilt is on my hands.

My sin is all I see.

I’m short of your demands.

My God come rescue me.

For you are the only one

Who saves me (2x)

I’ve tried so many ways.

I’ve lost so many fights.

I’ve toiled so many days.

I think I’ve lost the light.

God bring your love again

Remind me of your grace

Tell me I’m forgiven.

Let me see your face


You came to earth to die.

To set the captive free.

You came to glorify.

Sinners such as me.

Chosen before the was time.

Not for what I have done.

The sin in all was mine.

I live for you said come.


So this I know for sure

Sure as the earnest was giv’n

I know that I’ll be pure.

I know I’ll be forgiven.

Lord Help me now to stay

Now fully in your grace

Please keep me on the way,

Please let me see your face.


In Christ I know your love

In Christ I know your grace

In Christ I am forgiv’n

In Christ I see your face


Copyright Adam Harris Feb 3 2006

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