Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Great take on the universe's bigness

I was just reading the Desiring God blog and found what I found to be a very Biblical and profound (though somewhat obvious) take on the extreme magnitude of the universe.

Basically it boils down to this: the heavens were created to give an impression of how huge our God is. And that is huge. We can see 14 billion light years in any direction which is 82,298,997,340,000,000,000,000 miles. And that's just what we can see. I promise you it's bigger. And probably bigger than you can imagine. To get some sense of this try this earth to sun ratio (though it does not compare to the hydrogen atom page).

Anyways all of that is to say the universe is huge which is humbling and awe inspiring. I really don't think we will ever get bored in heaven any more than we will on earth. Because in heaven, we will explore the one who created the heavens. Which will take forever, thankfully.

1 comment:

J. H. Harris said...

those scale pages are pretty cool!