Monday, November 03, 2008

Confused about the hero

O Lord my God, tonight my heart and mind are in turmoil. There ideas, thoughts, and concepts which flutter just out of reach. I can see the forms of the answers and the understanding, but when I reach for them come back empty handed. Please Lord, clarify my mind, give me wisdom and understanding. Help me to know how it is that you call us to live.

My God, it seems as though so much of the world seeks greatness, so that can be at the center of their own stories; so that in a way, they me be like you, saviors, heroes of other men and of the world. And Lord, though many do not know you they do manage great things in this life which may even be acts which are called good. Their dedication to their work and their desire to accomplish greatness drive them forward to fully use their talents. They heal the sick, bring peace, and care for the widow and orphan. They champion for education, justice, and equality of men. They love their children; they even give of their wealth. They make great discoveries, develop inventions, found businesses and charities alike. And Lord it seems as though the best works of them come because they seek exactly to be the saviors of this world and the heroes of men. They seek to change the world, and it seems to work for the good as a noble and admirable pursuit.

God, you have given me talents which in some ways exceed that of many of my peers. You have given me privilege, health, wealth, and opportunities to strive fore great things with my life. You have given me gifts of the mind Lord, and yet I do not know what they are good for. God is this your will for me? That I would use my talents as do those who scoff at you? Which are the talents that you have given me which I am to multiply? Are they the things that are valued by the world? Intelligence, drive, charisma, ingenuity? Am I to multiply those things in myself? Am I to put them to the same tasks that you have given to world? Those things that are valued in the public square? Or am I to seek to love my family and friends, to live a simple life and work with my hands?

But this I know is true: all of the great things which happen are not the works of man but are your handiwork. You work through everything. For what does man have that he did not receive? Nothing Lord, it all is from you.


Praise God, now that my heart and mind are settled, and I will attempt to write something more coherent before I sleep.

Here is an attempt at my quandary. God has given me gifts and talents that I am to use to glorify him and serve others. My question is do I need to be serving others by using my gifts for the most world changing activity I can? Do I need to be striving after those same sorts of things that other people do? Is my contentedness with a simple life of loving my wife and my family, working daily, and serving the church a poor use of my talents?

At this point I am still asking the question. But I do like how the hero idea brings the conflict into focus. I want to say that we are called not to be heroes but to be servants. Jesus makes this pretty clear. As servants our goal is to serve, not to accomplish. If accomplishment comes our way, God is good. If it does not, God is good.

There are also many important things that God has given us to do in this life such as care for our families and serve in the church. I'm not sure yet how these balance out, but I think at those moments of balancing, my only hope will be resting in God.

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